Although hair loss is a personal affair to some extent, it demonstrates a feature related to the region. According to Trip Advisor’s statistics, we can see the alopecia rate all over the world.
The Alopecia Rate All Over The World:
According to the survey, the Czech Republic is the most severe country for alopecia. In Prague, 42.7% of men are suffering from this problem. According to hair and scalp experts, the reason why Czech men have thin hair is they have improper dietary habits, consume too much meat, and eat fewer vegetables. Besides, a high intake of salt and eating much bechamel are also.
In these statistics, European countries gain “a complete victory”. To be specific, Span accounts for 42.6%, Germany has 41.24%, France is 39.24%, English is 39.23%; next, the ranking sequence is Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, and Russia. As for America and Canada, they respectively are 39.04% and 37.42% and rank sixth and tenth.
As for the Asian area, the most high-ranking country is 32.6% of Japan, which accounts for fourteenth. That is to say, Japan has 13 million bald people. Compared with Japan, the bald rate of Korean men is only 22.41%. In Thailand, over 75% of people have dense hair in their whole life. 19.04% of men in Shanghai will be thin hair after middle age.
The Hair System In Lavivid:
Although there exist many methods to solve or eliminate the impact of hair loss, the hair system is the most simple and has no side effects.
As a fashion toupee, it is very popular for many male celebrities. 8* 10 base size, which is made up of poly paper, can give a comfortable experience. The technology of V-looping ventilation methods creates the impression of a realistic front hairline.
LAVIVID Eros Men’s Hair System
If you are a businessman, this hair system is the one that you can’t miss. Skin base with Indian Remy human hair can give you the image of confidence and maturity. In addition, the more products you can see from the official website.
In modern society, hair loss is a universal social phenomenon. Therefore, as a young adult, it is unnecessary to bear psychological stress and have a negative appraisal of yourself. As a famous manufacturer, Lavivid Hair can help you recover your confidence.